Foot Care Event on Maundy Thursday During Holy Week
When you did it for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did it for me. -Matthew 25: 31-46
Following the example of Jesus, this foot care event is held on Maundy Thursday during Holy Week. Podiatry Residents from OSF Saint Anthony will wash the feet of our homeless guests, trim their nails, and make referrals for further care, if needed. Generous financial donations from individuals and businesses make it possible for volunteers to provide a new pair of shoes and socks to each guest, as well as a delicious lunch.
In order to once again make this event a success, we are looking for your help. We invite you to join the community members who work so hard to organize this effort. From a donation of new shoes to an online gift of $10 bucks, each and every act of support helps. Your generosity makes a lasting impact on our guests. Continue reading to learn how to give.
Last year, teams from OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center, OrthoIllinois – Rockford, Field Fastener, and Beef-A-Roo came together and shared their knowledge, kindness, and generosity. It was a memorable day at CP.
Donations can be:
- Given to Dave or Brittany Wojnicki or other event volunteers from OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center.
- Sent/dropped off at:
Carpenter’s Place; Attn: Patti Floyd
1149 Railroad Avenue; Rockford IL 61104.
Please note: “Foot Care Event” to designate your gift.
Financial Donations:
- Checks: make out to Carpenter’s Place; Attn: Patti Floyd.
- Cash: include name and address if a receipt/thank-you letter is desired.
- Credit card: CLICK HERE or call the office at 815-964-4105 and ask for Patti (ext. 216)
Shoe or Sock Donations:
- In-Person – include name and address if a receipt/thank-you letter is desired
- Amazon or other Online Retailers – order online and send directly to Carpenter’s Place. Please include your name in the “personalize gift message” portion, so we can properly acknowledge your gift.
Note: If donations exceed what is needed for this event, they will be used for future foot care events, or as needed, for those served at Carpenter’s Place.
For more information or questions: Contact Dave Wojnicki at 312-848-9004 or or Patti Floyd 815.964.4105 x216.
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